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New members are welcome, contact us below.


Membership subscriptions:

Please note:

  • The coaching and equipment levy helps to pay for coaches and maintain club equipment. It is only for members who attend week-day training and compete at Oceans, Senior, or IRB competitions. It is not a requirement if you are only attending Sunday club day and local carnivals.

  • Entry fees to local carnivals, regional and national events will be passed on to competitors.

  • All club members need to purchase and wear a hi-vis vest when training and competing.

  • Competitive athletes will need to purchase a club beanie for carnivals and Sunday club day.

  • Any athlete attending Oceans and Nationals will be required to purchase Worser Bay club togs.

  • Associate members may have primary membership at another club or not be actively involved in lifeguarding or surf sports programmes but want a social affiliation with the club.

If you are a new member, please click the button below to fill out the New Membership Application form.

Worser Bay LSC constitution and policies are part of requesting a new or renewing membership, please read these before submitting your application. These can be found by clicking here.


How to pay your fees

Please pay your club fees to WBLSC bank account.

Account Number: 02 0500 0034741 00

Reference:  Family name
If you have any questions or difficulties please contact our membership administrator.

We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our club!

We thank our partners for all of their support



Worser Bay Life Saving Club

250 Marine Parade

Worser Bay 6022


© Worser Bay Surf Lifesaving Club

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